Established 1939
Welcome to the Town of Langley!
As Mayor, it is my privilege to serve this vibrant and growing community.
We are committed to providing excellent services, fostering a strong sense of community, and ensuring that Langley remains a great place to live, work, and visit.
Thank you for being part of our town, and I encourage you to explore all that Langley has to offer.
Dee Anne Grapevine
The Langley City Council meetings are held at 6:00 pm on the 1st Thursday of each month at City Hall
Monthly Coloring Contest for 2025
We are excited to announce that each month in 2025, we will release a new coloring page for the following age groups:
You can obtain the coloring page in two ways:
1. Print it from the Town of Langley or Langley Public Library websites.
2. Pick it up at any city office during regular business hours (Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM).
Submission Deadline: The last day of each month. Submission Location: Langley Public Library 325 W. Osage Ave.
Langley Court info, contact details, and payment information can be found here.
Water service contracts, Fire Department forms, and other essential forms are here.
Langley is a scenic “small town” in the rolling foothills of the Ozarks located within Mayes County in northeastern Oklahoma, about sixty miles from Tulsa.
Langley is bordered on the south and east by the waters of Grand Lake O’ The Cherokees and Grand River. Langley is traversed by Oklahoma Hi-ways 28 & 82 and only 15 miles from Interstate 44.
The Town consists of approximately 26 square miles of area and is located 7 miles from the 5200′ runway at South Grand Lake Regional Airport.
The Town provides this website to connect you with information, services, and the people that comprise our town government.
We invite all citizens, neighbors, and visitors to use this information, help us enhance it, and make it more useful. We are interested in your comments, please call us if you have questions or suggestions.
324 W. Osage Ave
PO Box 760
Langley, OK 74350
City Hall: 918-782-9850
Water Department: 918-782-2776
Langley Library: 918-782-4461